Lowering the barriers to entry

Lighthouse bulbs.

As the world creates more Linux applications and distributions, the variety of system and software configurations increases. Our software repositories, web-accessible interfaces and command-line tool suites provide an intuitive, consistent and predictable environment, removing unnecessary complexity and enabling you to get the important work done.

Hit the ground running

We favour convention over configuration, getting you going with your cluster from day one.

With a multitude of Linux distributions and requirements for different compilers and multiple versions of libraries, message passing interfaces and software applications, it can be a daunting prospect to get up and running in your high performance environment.

During our years of experience of configuring and using HPC clusters, it has become apparent that some order needed to be brought to the chaos. Configuring all the component parts of a cluster is just the first step – making use of the cluster is where the important stuff happens.

By following consistent conventions for compiling, installing and using HPC software components, we are able to provide you with an environment ready for getting your job done from day one. And when you want to add new software libraries and applications at a later date, with our tool suites and package repository, we’ve got you covered.

Get comfortable

Wrestling with an unfamiliar interface can only reduce your efficiency. There is a better way.

While some people are entirely at home with a command-line interface, we know that, sometimes, getting familiar with a high technology environment can be a daunting prospect.

With an easy-to-use, web-accessible interface to your cluster, we mitigate the need to learn how to use the command-line. Transferring data between your workstation and your cluster, creating job submission scripts, submitting your HPC jobs and monitoring their progress can all be managed from the comfort and familiarity of your desktop browser.

Stay in control

How do you know that you’re making the best of your system and that it’s working as it should be?

Not only do you need to be able to get your work done, you need to be able to stay on top of what’s happening across every component of your HPC environment. Ensuring that your environment is being utilized efficiently and that every component is operating as it should be can turn into a full time job in itself.

With active infrastructure monitoring, tuned to operate within your specific environment, you can rest assured that, if things go wrong, you’ll be the first to know.

Web-accessible interfaces allow you to check that your HPC environment is working correctly. With charts displaying current and historical compute node utilization as well as visualization of user accounting data, everything is in place to keep you in the know.

Operating in harmony with your HPC environment

Alces Gridware

Alces Gridware provides an ever-expanding repository of tools, utilities, libraries and applications, configured for the hardware in your cluster. Easy-to-use and convention-focussed, Alces Gridware eases the installation and operation of the wide range of available HPC applications and environments.

Alces Portal

Alces Portal is a web-delivered service allowing users to to acclimatize quickly to your cluster within a familiar web-based environment. With capabilities to easily submit and manage jobs, upload and download data and view cluster documentation and training material, Alces Portal allows users to get their HPC workloads up and running without having to wrestle with a command line or unfamiliar desktop utilities.