Your applications and libraries — ready to go

Building blocks.

Alces Gridware provides you with the applications, libraries and services you need to get working, packaged with care and attention, favouring convention over configuration.

Tuned software preinstalled on your new cluster

Run with us – we have everything you need

Although your Linux distribution contains many system libraries and utilities, using tuned scientific software can improve performance and enable new features. For each new CPU, interconnect technology and message-passing system, we can provide scientific applications and libraries compiled specifically for your hardware.

Alces Gridware provides an ever-expanding repository of tools, utilities, libraries and applications, configured for the hardware in your cluster. Our aim is to reduce the amount of repeated recompilation and tuning performed all over the world by keeping common packages up to date and making them available open-source for the benefit of the entire community.

Ready to go on delivery

Our pre-installation requirements survey is designed to capture details of the system and application software you need before your cluster ever arrives at your site. Our engineering team can configure the system to meet your expectations, allowing user acceptance testing to be run immediately after delivery to your site.

Extending your solution

Customers with an Alces support package can request additional packages to be added to the Alces Gridware project, enabling both new packages and updated versions of existing software to be installed on their machines. We also encourage the submission of packages into the project from customer machines, helping to enhance the selection of available software and promoting software reuse and collaboration. As well as open-source applications, Alces Gridware also includes installation tools and scheduler integrations for many commercial packages.

Applications, libraries and services available within Alces Gridware

Consistently configured, easy to obtain, optimally tuned

Alces Gridware can incorporate virtually any software package, library, application or environment and provide a simple mechanism to allow customers to obtain software tuned for their environment quickly and easily.

Examples include:

  • Updated versions of Perl, Python, Ruby
  • Wrappers for GCC and commercial compilers including Intel, PGI, Pathscale
  • Numerical libraries including BLAS, FFTW, LAPACK, ATLAS
  • Message passing environments; e.g. MPICH/MPICH2, OpenMPI, MVAPICH, IntelMPI
  • Scientific environments including R, BioPerl
  • Biotechnology applications; e.g. SAMtools, BLAST, Velvet, Mosaik, SOAP
  • Chemisty applications; e.g. NAMD, Gromacs, CHARMM
  • System benchmark and verification tests; IMB, HPCC, HPL/Linpak, IOzone, memtester, STREAM, FAH, Intel Cluster Ready